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Lanthanum oxalate, La2(C2O4)3

Lanthanum oxalate, La2(C2O4)3.9(10 or 11)H2O, may be obtained by double decomposition as a white, crystalline precipitate. According to the temperature at which precipitation occurs and the temperature of the wash water, the precipitate appears to contain 9, 10, or 11H2O. Most experimenters give 10H2O as being present in the hydrate in equilibrium with its aqueous solution at 25°.

Lanthanum oxalate is appreciably soluble in a solution of lanthanum nitrate, but no crystalline oxalonitrate can be isolated at 25°. The only hydrates of lanthanum oxalate that are stable at 25° in contact with aqueous solutions of lanthanum nitrate of the appropriate concentrations are those containing 3H2O, 5H2O, and 8H2O. A hydrate containing 7H2O may be crystallised from dilute sulphuric acid.

A solution of lanthanum oxalate in hot, concentrated hydrochloric acid deposits crystals of lanthanum oxalochloride, 2La(C2O4)Cl.5H2O, when cooled. The salt is decomposed by water.

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